My name is Alexander L Diaz, "Alex", and I am the creator and sole administrator of the Facebook Group All Things Cuban. Most members of the group would not recognize me in person, because my profile picture on Facebook is of Major General Ignacio Agramonte y Loynáz of the Cuban Liberation Army.
What started it all, the Facebook Group
When I created the All Things Cuban group on Facebook in 2009 I never thought one day the name would become a brand. My intent in those days was to create a group where I could house my own personal research about what it meant to be Cuban. You see, I came to the USA when I was a year old, and although I grew up in Little Havana, Miami, FL I still felt unfamiliar to what it meant to be Cuban. In fact, the final push to create All Things Cuban came about when my previous coworker, Ivette (Puerto Rican), and my wife, Adriana (Ecuadorian), would joke that I would patriate everything as being Cuban. Example, they joked that I call pastries “Cuban Pastries”, bread “Cuban Bread”, and coffee “Cuban Coffee”. I mean bread is bread, and sugary espresso is still espresso, so why the adverb of Cuban? I had no answer as to why. I decided that I would find out the why and document it in case other family and friends would be interested. And it was this personal need to understand our Cuban identity that started it all.
What has it become, a brand
All Things Cuban has become a brand that promotes Cuban identity, culture, history, and education through digital and social platforms. It also promotes, arranges, and conducts events that foster Cuban identity, culture, history and education.
The All Things Cuban Mission
Help advance, educate, and bring awareness of Cuban culture, identity, and history through the dissemination of information, and the promotion of events, products, and services of others that fosters a Cuban identity.
Additionally, we also help foster a sense of Cuban identity and community by arranging and conducting ourselves cultural events that highlight Cuban heritage, history, entertainment, and food.
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